El think tank del socialisme català





Publicacions Activitats

Notes de l'observatori


"Future of work: between global, digital, local and green" per Philippe Pochet


Future of work: between global, digital, local and green by Philippe Pochet  

The analysis of the future of work is sandwiched between two megatrends. On the one hand, there is renewed hyper-globalisation in the services sector, reinforced   by    progress   in   digitalisation   and   AI.  

On the other hand, there is a relocation of production and services linked to the imperative of the green transformation. Two tendencies that reflect the tension between the 'ever-faster, ever-further' and the idea to control time and space.

Read more at The Progressive Post: https://progressivepost.eu/future-of-work-between-global-digital-local-and-green/    

Photo credits: Shutterstock/ Alessio Tricani



"Future of work: between global, digital, local and green" - Philippe Pochet



Notes anteriors





Arxiu històric
del socialisme

'Claves sobre la estructura y la negociación de la financiación autonómica'
Papers de la Fundació

Informe Social: Había alternativa: nueva crisis, distinta respuesta.
Col·lecció Informes

Vall d'Aran. Una autonomia dins una autonomia
frc Llibres


Cartells socialistes

Reforma federal

Arxius PSC



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